ࡱ> g  bjbjVV 9r<r<23Hnn,,,8dT,U5^lL!L!L!4444444$7e:|49L!*!"L!L!L!45P#P#P#L!84P#L!4P#P#-|/&Ӈ!`.4%50U5r.:P":$//:(/tL!L!P#L!L!L!L!L!44P#L!L!L!U5L!L!L!L!:L!L!L!L!L!L!L!L!L!n :  Brief Description This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to Sociology as a disciplined, scientific study of society. Students will become familiar with the basic concepts of sociology, the development of sociological knowledge, the major areas of sociological research, and a number of representative studies and findings. Examples from the major sociological perspectives and theories will be used to acquaint students with the variety of different viewpoints and explanations to be found in Sociology. Data will be drawn as appropriate from Canada, Quebec, and other societies. Specific topics to be covered are indicated in the outline below, as are the course materials corresponding to these topics. On passing this course, students should be able to identify the relevance and scope of the sociological contribution to understanding human social phenomena. THE COMPETENCY TO BE ACQUIRED: Students are expected to take a total of three introductory level Social Sciences courses in order to achieve the competency. This course is a prerequisite for all higher-level sociology courses. See the Social Science Information Booklet for more information on the program sequence and competencies. STATEMENT OF THE COMPETENCY (022N): To identify the contribution of knowledge related to Social Science disciplines to the understanding of the human phenomenon. ELEMENTS OF THE COMPETENCY: To understand the development of the body of knowledge being studied. To know and understand the main facts, notions, concepts, theories, methods and other key components of this body of knowledge. To demonstrate the relevance and scope of these components in the understanding of the human phenomenon. Course Objectives This course will enable students to: identify the relations between Sociology and other social science disciplines; develop an awareness of the variety of past and present social arrangements; understand the relationship between their own society and the broader global context; identify some of the social factors which shape individuals and groups; identify some of the forces which contribute to change or which operate to prevent it; take a sociological view of their own experience and, where necessary, develop a critical approach to the ordinary aspects of everyday life; use sociological concepts appropriately; analyze and evaluate sociological information and to present their work in appropriate written form. Course Content Sociology and the Sociological Imagination Early Sociological Viewpoints & Current Perspectives Sociology as a Science Culture Social Structure Socialization Family Social Inequality Media Social Change Required Readings 1. Ravelli, Bruce, Michelle Webber & John Patterson. Sociology for Everyone: Concise Version Pearson Publishing Press. 2015. $100 + tax (approximately). Textbook will be on reserve in the library. 2. Supplemental required readings will be made available in class and/or through LEA. Required hours of study: Students should expect to spend an average of three hours per week doing out-of-class work for this course. Readings should be done in advance of the class during which they will be discussed. Note on computer use: In accordance with departmental policy, students are not permitted the use of computers during class unless they have a specific, documented reason. In these cases, students must speak directly to the teacher. All computers must be closed at the beginning of class. Cell phones, iPods and all other electronic devices are not permitted during class time. EVALUATION PROCEDURES & POLICIES Standard of performance 60% is the minimum to pass the course. For students to achieve their best possible grade, students must attend class, participate in class, and complete all work as outlined. NOTE: In order to pass the course, students MUST complete both written assignments for a total of 20%. In the event a student obtains a total course grade of 60% or more but has not completed both written assignments, an overall grade of 55% will be given. Teaching Methods Lectures, multi-media presentations, class discussions, small group work. Lectures may include material that cannot be found in the readings. Regular attendance and taking notes in class are essential to success in this course. Grade Distribution, Assignments & Exams Please refer to the class schedule for due dates. 1. Tests (1 x 25, 1 x 30) = 55% your best exam will be worth 30%. You will write two tests during the semester, which will evaluate your comprehension of the readings, lectures, and class discussions. Each test will contain one or more of the following types of questions: multiple-choice, fill in the blank, short answer, short essay. Regular attendance and timely reading of assigned chapters are absolutely essential for you to succeed in the tests. There are no make-up tests at the end of term. NOTE: having a cell-phone (in your coat pocket etc.) during an exam is not permitted and your exam will be disqualified as per Dawson policy, whether you have used it or not. It is the students responsibility to ensure that they are present in class and on time for all tests and assignments. A student who misses a test will not be permitted to write a make up without a medical note for the date of the test. Students who come late to class on the day of a test will not be permitted to write the test. Sleeping-in or transportation problems are not adequate excuses for being late. You should make arrangements to ensure that you get to class on time even if transportation problems arise. Leave for school early on the day of a test. 2. Written Assignments (10 + 10 = 20%) Late submissions without extensions granted prior to due date may be penalized 1% of the assignment per day. These assignments must be completed to pass the course (see above Standard of Performance). It is the students responsibility to keep copies of their written work on an external drive, USB key etc. It is advisable to keep a printed copy, too. In the event that an assignment is missing, it is your responsibility to hand in another copy. Excuses related to computer failures, no access to computers, lost USB keys etc. are not acceptable. 3. Pop quizzes (10%) Pop quizzes will be given as we complete a specific theme in the course. Hint hint! 4. Participation (10% + 5%) On a regular basis, you will do individual and group work in-class, including written reflections on assigned readings. In class assignments cannot be made up without a medical note. Homework will be given out the week before. It is your responsibility to check LEA on a regular basis. Social Science Literacy Policy All assignments and papers must be typed, be presented in the correct form, be well written and organized, be grammatically correct, and printed using a computer printer. Writing style, grammar, and presentation will be taken into account in the evaluation and grading of student work. Conventions for Written Work In this and all other sociology courses, the convention which must be employed by students in their written work is either the MLA or the APA format. See College style sheets for more information at the Academic Skills Centre:  HYPERLINK "http://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/?F2D528A6-4EC5-4705-9959-4F89EC5EEFAF" http://www.dawsoncollege.qc.ca/?F2D528A6-4EC5-4705-9959-4F89EC5EEFAF GENERAL COLLEGE POLICY The Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP) is designed to promote equitable and effective evaluation of student learning and is therefore crucial policy to read and understand. The policy describes the rights and obligations of students, faculty, departments, programs, and the College administration with regard to evaluation in all your courses, including grade reviews and resolution of academic grievance. ISEP is available on the Dawson website. ATTENDANCE POLICY Attendance will be taken regularly in class. It is important to arrive in class on time and to attend all classes. Participation in class discussions is encouraged and expected. Students should refer to the Institutional Student Evaluation Policy (ISEP section III-C) regarding attendance. Note: If a student is attending an intensive course, the student must inform the teacher, within the first two weeks of class, of the specific dates of any anticipated absences. RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY POLICY Students who intend to observe religious holidays, must inform their teachers in writing as prescribed in the ISEP Policy on Religious Observances (ISEP Section III-D) If applicable, a statement indicating any modifications to planned course activities resulting from the teacher s own religious observances must be included as per ISEP Policy on Religious Observances (ISEP Section III-D). COLLEGE POLICY ON CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the ǿմýƵ policy on cheating and plagiarism which is contained in ISEP. According to ISEP (section IV-C), the teacher is required to report to the Sector Dean all cases of cheating and plagiarism affecting a student's grade. Plagiarism is the submission of someone else's work as your own without acknowledging the author. Whether deliberate or accidental, plagiarism is a serious offense and may result in a grade of zero for the piece of work in question, or a grade of zero in the course if circumstances warrant. Plagiarism includes: Copying, downloading, or including a phrase, sentence, or a longer passage from a source and submitting it as your own. Changing words or phrases but keeping the rest of the sentence. Summarizing or paraphrasing someone else's ideas without a proper citation. Handing in as your own work any material that was bought, copied or written by someone else. Cheating is a serious academic offense and will result in a grade of zero for the piece of work in question in this course. Cheating includes: Allowing another student to copy your work. Copying another student's work Classroom decorum: Everyone has the right to a safe and non-violent environment. Students are obliged to conduct themselves as stated in the Student Code of Conduct and in the ISEP section on the roles and responsibilities of students (ISEP section III-L.2). This classroom is a safe space - one where each and every student will be able to communicate their points of view regardless of what they are. That being said, students are expected to express their opinions in a respectful manner, and to take responsibility for what they say. Please listen carefully to your classmates and respect others viewpoints. You do not need to agree with the opinions of the majority or of the instructor, but you must be able to make a reasoned (as opposed to dogmatic) argument when speaking up in class. Equally, students should also feel safe to not express opinions on topics they don't feel comfortable discussing in public. Important Dates Last day for course change: Monday, January 26 Last day to withdraw from courses: Monday, February 16 Class Calendar Winter 2015 subject to modification It is your responsibility to CHECK YOUR DAWSON EMAIL ACCOUNT on a regular basis. I send important info through LEA regularly. DateTopicRequired Readings & Due DatesTues/ Jan 20Introduction Required: Send me an email using LEAFri/Jan 23Understanding the Sociological ImaginationChapter 1 Modules 1.1 & 1.2 stop before Canadian Sociologists Tues / Jan 27Sociological Imagination & FoundationsChapter 1 Module 1.3 Fri /Jan 30Sociological Foundations & Social TheoriesChapter 1 Module 1.4Tues/Feb 3Social Science WeekParticipation AssignmentFri/Feb 6Culture & SocietyChapter 3 Modules 3.1, 3.2, 3.3Tues /Feb 10Culture & Society Chapter 3 Module 3.4Fri/ Feb 13Socialization & Social Interaction Written Assignment- Part 1Chapter 4 Module 4.1, 4.2 (not 105-106)Tues/Feb 17Socialization Chapter 4 Module 4.3 and then pps117-118 Fri/ Feb 20Finish socialization Finish assigned pages Tues/Feb 24Gender socialization Due: Written Assignment #1Fri/Feb 27Deviance, Crime & Regulation Chapter 5 Module 5.1 & 5.2Tues/Mar 3 Deviance, Crime & Regulation Chapter 5 Module 5.1 & 5.2 Fri/ Mar 6Exam reviewTues/Mar 10Exam #1Fri/Mar 13Film in-class assignment MARCH 16 - 20STUDY BREAK NO CLASSTues/Mar 24Stratification & Social InequalityChapter 7Fri/Mar 27Stratification & Social InequalityChapter 7Tues/ Mar 31Gender & Sexualities Written Assignment Chapter 8 Reading on LEAFri/ Apr 3NO CLASSChapter 8Tues Apr 7Gender & SexualitiesChapter 9Fri/ Apr 10Race & RacializationChapter 9Tues/ Apr 14Guest LectureChapter 10 Fri/ Apr 17Race & RacializationChapter 12Tues/ Apr 21Film In-class assignmentAssignment #2 dueFri/Apr 24MediaReading on LEATues/Apr 28 MediaReadings, class notes, filmsFri/May 1Film in-class assignment Tues/ May 5Social changeIn-class readingFri/May 8Exam reviewTues/May 12Final Exam   PAGE 4 DAWSON COLLEGE Individual & Society 387-101-DW Section 09 Winter 2015 Tuesday & Friday 8:30-10:00 Classroom 5D.2 Introductory Course: Level (022N) Ponderation 3-0-3 Teacher: Laura Shea DEPARTMENT: Sociology & Political Science OFFICE: 5D.5 Phone: 1569 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 10:30-11:30, Friday  x  u 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