
Laure Galipeau

Department of French

Laure Galipeau’s research has been focussed on integrating Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into her French as a Second Language courses to help accommodate individual learning differences. She along with two other colleagues, and , were awarded a three-year PAREA grant to study the « Impact des applications de la conception universelle de l’apprentissage sur le français écrit en FLS » Recently Laure, in conjunction with the same two colleagues, presented at the 2014  (FLS) Symposium “Comment passer d’allophone à francophile?” hosted by ǿմýƵ on June 6th.

Contributions to Dawson’s Community

Laure, in conjunction with two other colleagues and , presented a panel discussion at the FLS Symposium hosted at ǿմýƵ entitled “La conception universelle en action!”. She has also presented workshop sessions at Dawson’s faculty PED Day.


  • Laure Galipeau, Catherine Soleil & Effie Konstantinopolous. “Changing Attitudes Changes Everything”. ProfWeb-Real Life Stories, February 10th, 2014.

Last Modified: December 2, 2015