
Gisela Frias

Department of Geography

Gisela Frias’  earned her PhD in Geography from McGill University.  Gisela’s current research focuses on the potential of marrying institutions with sustainability. Her  funded “Sustainable Campuses” participatory action project has been successfully completed, with the production of a 50-page final report and many action projects accomplished. Gisela and her partners plan to continue and expand the project to help post-secondary institutions in Canada and Mexico incorporate more sustainable practices in institutional functioning and educational approaches.

Contributions to Dawson’s Community

Gisela is an active member of Sustainable Dawson. Most recently she , funded by the , in conjunction with and Cindy Elliot traveled to two different University Campuses in Mexico in an effort to promote a partnership between the Dawson and the Mexican Universities, as well as to initiate Sustainable Campuses.


  • 2014. Frias, Gisela and Margarita Hurtado. Sustainable Campuses: Sharing our knowledge for social and environmental sustainability. Technical Report to IDRC.
  • 2004. Frias, Gisela and Thom Meredith. “Resistance to Conservation in the Land of Zapata.” Presented at “The Commons in an Age of Global Transition: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities”, the Tenth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Oaxaca, Mexico, August 9-13.
  • 2004. Cabrera, Leonardo and Gisela Frias. “Facing Bird Conservation in Conflicted Communal Lands: A Participatory Experience towards the Sierra Madre Sparrow Habitat Conservation” Presented at “The Commons in an Age of Global Transition: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities”, the Tenth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Oaxaca, Mexico, August 9-13.


Last Modified: December 2, 2015