Graphic Design Students to be Featured at the McCord Museum
The work of several second-year students in the Graphic Design program at Dawson has been selected to be featured in a poster presentation of 30 artists at a vernissage at the McCord Museum from March 16 to April 3. The students whose posters were selected are Marc-André Larouche, Sandrine Le Blanc, Amelie Lazure-Ratté, and Meghan Dove, under the supervision of faculty members Gyula Gefin and François Martin.
The presentation is a culmination of a juried selection of the best of the posters submitted by students from across the province for the Bourse Marc H. Choko, which is held yearly by the Societé des designers du Québec (). In addition to being on display for two weeks at the McCord, the posters will also be added to the permanent patrimonial collection of the Bibliothèque et archives nationales du Québec.
To attend the vernissage on March 16 at the McCord, contact the SDGQ directly to RSVP at