Five Montreal CEGEPs launch cannabis video series


(MONTREAL – Nov. 18, 2022) – Just in time for National Addictions Awareness Week, five Montreal CEGEPs have launched a cannabis video series entitled Do you know your bud?

Each two-minute video answers a question from a CEGEP student:

  1. What is more harmful- smoking or eating cannabis?
  2. Can using cannabis affect my brain in the long term?
  3. What do I do during a bad trip?
  4. Can I use cannabis to self-medicate?

The questions come from surveying students at five CEGEPs: Bois-de-Boulogne, Dawson, Maisonneuve, Rosemont and Vanier. A team of social workers and nurses in Student Services at these post-secondary institutions curated the questions and co-created the video series, which was produced thanks to a grant from Montreal’s regional public health department. Local animation and motion design studio Bifurk came up with the visual concept and produced the video.

“We know that some of our students are thinking about using cannabis or have already tried it,” said Shera Robinson, a social worker at Vanier College. “At this time of the year with the stress of the end of the semester and the upcoming holiday party season, we want to give facts to young people across Quebec so they can make informed decisions. Our ultimate goal is harm reduction.”

Regional Director of Public Health Dr. Mylène Drouin was joined by social workers, nurses, students and staff from five Montreal CEGEPs for the launch at ǿմýƵ Nov. 18.

“Montreal’s regional public health department is pleased to highlight the efforts of those who are working to prevent and reduce the harmful effects of problematic use of cannabis on young adults in Montreal,” said Dr. Drouin.

The first video will be released on Nov. 23 during the National Addictions Awareness Week on CEGEP Instagram and Facebook accounts as well as on the Santé Montréal YouTube channel. The next three videos will be released Nov. 30, Dec. 7 and Dec. 14.

For more information and to get video files for reporting purposes, please contact:

Christina Parsons
Communications Office, ǿմýƵ

Last Modified: November 18, 2022