New School Re-Visions!


Celebrating and Reflecting on the Past 50 Years,

Re-Connecting with Community, and Innovating for the Future.

Fall 2023 will mark New School’s 50th anniversary. The New School team are taking a deep breath and engaging in a re-visioning process. Re-visioning, for us, means celebrating and reflecting on the past 50 years, re-connecting with our community of alumni and friends, and innovating for the future.

With ongoing support of the College, we are organizing a series of events throughout the coming year— in the form of regular in-house as well as open-public consultations and conversations. To step back and do this work, the team has paused New School courses for the current academic year. This year of re-visioning will culminate in the return of New School courses in Fall 2023 with a 50th anniversary symposium and celebration.

Please join us along the way—whether you are new to the idea of New School or a long-time friend, or whether you are a student, staff, or faculty. See current open invitations below.

Further upcoming open invitations will include:

  • Reunion and launch (alumni, facilitators, students)
  • Reading groups: Grounded pedagogies (F22), New School pedagogies (W23)
  • Focus group: visioning New School facilitation, critical humanistic learning and the mentorship program
  • New and interested faculty Open Houses
  • 50 years of New School: a symposium organizing committee
  • Conference and workshop opportunities

Visit our to learn more about New School’s pedagogy, mentorship program and history. Contact us with any questions at

Last Modified: August 24, 2022