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Inclusion Kits now available for your class

Contents of an Inclusion Kit

Sound Blockers: noise cancelling earmuffs that improve students’ focus.

Fidget Toys: a small object (preferably one that fits in the student’s hand), that can be squeezed, pulled, or moved around as a student is sitting and listening, or writing a test.
Timers: visual or digital timer that helps students to keep track of time remaining for a test. Helps to improve time management.
C-Pen: small digital device that reads printed text aloud. When moving the C-Pen device along a text line, the printed text is then made digital. The digital text is then read aloud by text-to-speech software. Does not provide any definitions – simply digitizes printed text. The C-Pen Exam Reader 2 does not have a dictionary function or storage capabilities. This ensures the reader is suitable for all test conditions and that it can be used between students.
Reading Focus Card: a focus card trains eyes to read with focus on individual words & text lines. Guide readers’ eyes efficiently from left to right. Improves attention, fluency, comprehension & retention. Eliminates distractions on a page with too much text.
Privacy Boards: helps to keep students focused and prevent distractions.
MP3: simple music player that contains only music pre-approved by SAAC. Music does not contain any lyrics – instrumental only.

Last Modified: September 26, 2024