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New basketball uniforms with refreshed logo

November 2nd, 2022

Check out the photo for the new uniform for the Dawson Blues Basketball team. This is the white version. There is also a black version.

Read more about: Student Academic Enrichment Fund will be accepting project applications

Student Academic Enrichment Fund will be accepting project applications

November 2nd, 2022

A new fund available through the Dawson Foundation by and for students, the Dawson Student Academic Enrichment Fund, will officially launch its first call for projects on Tuesday, Nov.  22.  Projects selected in this round will receive funding at the beginning of the Winter 2023 semester. The Student Academic Enrichment fund is supported directly by…

Donations needed for the Financial Aid Food Bank

November 2nd, 2022

The Financial Aid Food Bank shelves are always in need of replenishing. With the return to on campus classes, the need for the food bank has proven to be invaluable. Word of mouth and advertising has brought the service to the eyes and ears of those students who are truly in need of a little help. Nonperishable food items can be brought to room 4E.2 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.

A few more days to try Campus Rec for free!

September 21st, 2022

Campus Recreation is free during Open House at Dawson's PARC, which continues through Friday, Sept. 23.

Check out all the classes and activities offered in the Campus Recreation (PARC) Fall 2022 schedule: CAMPUS_RECREATION_FALL_2022- revised Sept 9

How to get non-urgent support for students

September 21st, 2022

If you know a student who needs to be referred for Student Services, there is a new non-urgent referral tool.

The Support Options for At-Risk Students (SOARS) Referral Form can be found in under the “Student Services” menu.

For more information about how to use the form, please refer to this fact sheet prepared by Yanina Chukhovich of the First-Year Students’ Office:

Info sheet-Non-urgent referral to Dawson Student Services form (SOARS )

Financial Aid Food Bank needs our help!

September 21st, 2022

The Financial Aid Food Bank is always in need of non-perishable food items to replenish the shelves. Donations can be dropped off in the bin at 4.E2. The Financial Aid office is grateful to all our regular providers and hope that the Peace Week Giving Tree near the cafeteria entrance in the Upper Atrium will be a great success.  Breakfast items are greatly needed. Here are some ideas for your donations: boxed nut and oat milks, juice, cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter, nut spreads, jelly, Nutella, graham crackers, melba toast, instant coffee, tea, hot chocolate powder, pop tarts, granola.

Academic Skills Centre workshops starting Sept. 26

September 21st, 2022

The Academic Skills Centre is running a series of seven workshops to help students prepare for, take and evaluate their own performance. The workshops run from Sept. 26 through Oct. 5. Please encourage your students to sign up.

In the workshops they will:

  • Explore different ways to prepare for exam formats: essay, short answer, multiple choice
  • Improve their strategies for taking exams

Fall 2022 Open House at Dawson

September 21st, 2022

Here is the experience of Dawson's Open House 2022. Newly added: a webinar on our brand new Social Science Program at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 25.

For your information and to share with the senior high schoolers and parents in your life, click Read More.

Try out campus recreation for free beginning Sept. 12

September 7th, 2022

Campus Recreation is free during Open House at Dawson's PARC, which takes place for two weeks beginning Monday, Sept. 12 and running through Friday, Sept. 23.

Check out all the classes and activities offered in the Campus Recreation (PARC) Fall 2022 schedule: CAMPUS_RECREATION_FALL_2022- revised Sept 9

Make your appointment to donate blood Sept. 13-14

September 7th, 2022

Héma-Québec will be running a blood donor clinic at Dawson on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 13-14 in 3C.1.

It will be by appointment only. You can make an appointment online: or by calling 1-800-343-7264.

The objective is to get 60 donors and they are especially in need of O- and B- blood donors. Each donor can save several lives with only one donation and their body will quickly replenish their blood supply.

For more information about the donor experience:

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Last Modified: November 2, 2022


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