Ped Resources
Principals of Blended Teaching and Learning
Benefits Of Blended Courses
- Online Teaching: a rich pedagogical approach, by: Catherine Braithwaite, ChantaleÌýGiguère, Daniel Goldsmith, Selma Hamdani, Reisa Levine, 2019, Article Academic Matters,Ìý/academic-matters/articles/online-teaching-a-rich-pedagogical-approach/
Social Presence And Students’ Engagement In Online Courses
- Social Presence in Asynchronous Learning Networks. Why it’s Important and How to Develop It by mark Mattei (Physiotherapy Technology), Ped Day 2021, Video recording and presentation slides Ìý
- Engaging Students in Inclusive Online Learning: Strategies and Tips by: Effie Konstantinopoulos (Dawson Student AccessAbility Centre) 2021,ÌýVideo recordingÌý/faculty-hub/videos/engaging-students-in-inclusive-online-learningstrategies-and-tips/
- Creating an Online Environment to Support Learning: From Theory to Practice by: Guests: Sarah Anthony, PhD (CentreÌýd’enseignementÌýduÌýfrançais, Université McGill) & AlidaÌýSouceÌý(McGill University)Ìý 2021 Video recording:Ìý/faculty-hub/videos/creating-and-online-environment-tosupport-learning-from-theory-to-practice/
- Create Social Presence and Student Engagement in Your Online Courses Presented by: Catherine Soleil, ChantaleÌýGiguère, Laure Galipeau, August 2020, Dawson Faculty Hub
/faculty-hub/videos/create-social-presence-and-student-engagement-in-your-online-courses/ - Tips for Developing Engaging Online Activities: Ice-Breakers, Group Work and More!, by: ChantaleÌýGiguère, Reisa Levine, 2020, Dawson Faculty Hub
Assessments And Feedback
- ItÌýTakesÌýa Village toÌýTeachÌýa Course: Inclusive Online LearningÌýThroughÌýPeerÌýAssessment, by:ÌýAhmad Banki,ÌýVideo recordingÌý/faculty-hub/videos/it-takes-a-village-to-teach-a-course-inclusive-online-learning-through-peer-assessment/
- Providing Efficient Assessment and Feedback to Engage all Students: Hits, Misses & Fixes by Sarah Allen, Ahmad Banki, AndreaÌýStrudensky, ChantaleÌýGiguère, 2020,ÌýVideo recording Ìý
- Branching Scenarios to Enhance Learning Through Immediate Feedback By: Krista Bulow and Mark Mattei (Physiotherapy, 2020,ÌýVideo recordingÌýÌý
Hyflex Approach
- HyflexÌýClassesÌýcomodales, by Anne-LaureÌýTeichetÌýand Selma Hamdani 2021 Video recordingÌý/faculty-hub/videos/hyflex-classes-comodales/
- Le rôle de l’assistant dans la classeÌýcomodaleÌýby Anne-LaureÌýTeichet, 2021, ArticleÌýProfweb,Ìý
- La classeÌýcomodale: une classe sans papier? By Anne-LaureÌýTeichet, 2021, ArticleÌýProfweb,Ìý