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Student Academic Enrichment Fund

A fund by and for Dawson students to provide enhanced academic activities and financial support


How students are supported by the fund:


55% of total fund allocated to Enhanced Academic Activities: Enhanced academic activities such as class trips, stages and international exchanges

Para-academic activities such as student clubs, groups, participation in competitions

45% of total fund allocated to Financial Support: Financial Support to students in need including financial aid as well as health and mental health expenses

An application process is in place for the funds allocated to Enhanced Academic Activities. Staff and current students are eligible to apply. Applications for projects beginning in the Fall 2024 semester will open on Tuesday, April 2 and close on Monday, April 29.

The fund has up to $40,000 available for projects commencing in the Fall 2024 semester. Proposals can request up to $5,000.

The Student Academic Enrichment fund is supported directly by Dawson students via a $10 contribution per semester to the Dawson Foundation. The funding committee meets twice a year to decide on which projects to fund for the subsequent semester and includes representatives from the Dawson Student Union, Academics and Student Services.

In order to be considered, projects must:

  • Demonstrate a clear benefit for Dawson students.
  • Represent an activity that goes over and above core competencies for completion of a DEC or an AEC.

Last Modified: August 16, 2024